Are you a theme park nut? Do you a visit 1 or more theme parks at least once a fortnight? Well we could have the thing just for................. CLICK HERE to find out more. Any other questions please email us at

Submit An Update

If you would like to submit an update please email us at the below email:

Why should i submit an update?

  • You are entitled to one advert of your choice to be placed on top of your update to your youtube, website etc 
  • You will be credited with any name you like either full name or username 
  • Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
How to submit:

  • Attach all photos to the email (if there is too many photos either; place all photos in a ZIP file upload to a file hosting website and email the link or send multiple emails under the same name with part 1 part 2 etc at the end eg; Universal Studios Update 12/12/10 part 1
  • State the following on every email: 
Name: (put name here)
Theme park: (put theme park here)
Date: (put date of update here not date of submission)
Advertisement: (put link too website, youtube etc that you would like advertised)
Advertisement extra: Any information we may find helpful when creating your advertisement.
Link to hosted file of photos (optional): (put your link to the hosted file)
Pictures: (put all pictures below)

For anything else please email me at: